

Knowing and Doing the WILL OF GOD

From Pastor J - 

As the son of a pastor, I grew up in church. But it wasn't until God spoke to me at 21 years old, as a Marine, while stationed in Hawaii, that I surrendered my life to Christ. 

Still growing in Him, 21 years after my conversion, while serving as the associate pastor of outreach/evangelism, I embarked on the Experiencing God journey. Immediately, God began to use the truths of Experiencing God to confirm what I felt He was calling me to join Him in. Now, as I serve as senior pastor at Pleasant Grove Church, my desire is for God to awaken believers in our fellowship to a radically God-centered way of life. This journey helped me to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for my life. I am ready for this to help you—for the very first time—and me, again, to experience our Creator.

God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

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